2019 has certainly been an interesting year for me. With lots of ups and downs, there is lots to reflect on. Things twisted and turned and took me places I never imagined I would be come this time last year.
HIGHLIGHTS: - Developed pitch for animated series, Alienated - Graduated from MIAD, magna cum laude! - Celebrated my golden birthday on May 22nd - Moved to Chicago and worked at a tech company for 6 months in production - Created an animated short for FFRF - Went to CTNx for the 2nd time - WENT TO DISNEYLAND!!! - Moved back to Madison before the holidays GOALS FOR 2020: - Find a job or freelance projects in animation or toy design - Read at least 8 books - Storyboard a scene from Alienated - Play piano as much as possible! - Keep building my portfolio - Travel!!! Lots of weddings coming up! Thank you so much for all your support this year...and the last decade! I've officially been drawing for 10 years. Check out this thread detailing the last 10 years through my art.
Previous Art summaries:
Who is Kati?
I'm a fairy mermaid muppet princess who doodles much. I'm an illustrator, character designer, and toy designer with a passion for TV animation and toys! I love pink, purple, glitter, and all things cute! I received my BFA in Illustration from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in 2019 and am currently located in Madison, Wisconsin. Archives
December 2023
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